Skydiving Packages – Learn to Skydive at Ripcord Skydivers
There’s several different ways you can learn to skydive here at our Drop Zone using any of these options. All you have to do is choose the option that suits you best.
Tandem Skydive
A Tandem Skydive is where a student skydiver is connected to a harness attached to a tandem instructor. The instructor guides the student through the whole jump from exit through free fall, piloting the canopy and landing. The student will require instruction before making a tandem jump with the instructor. You have to be 12 years or older to skydive and will require written parental consent up until 18years of age.
Your weight must not exceed 90kgs for a tandem skydive. If you exceed 90kgs, please click here for a Solo jump.
Price includes GST, all fees and surcharges.
Feel free to contact us for more information
Phone: (07) 3399 3552
Solo Standard Freefall
A Solo Standard Freefall jump is where the parachute is opened automatically after a short free fall decent of between 3-6 seconds.
It is a method of skydiving where the student exits the aircraft solo at 3,500ft in an ‘arching’ position. The student will experience a 3-6 second free fall and this is enough time to experience the air pressure so the student becomes aware of his or her own body position until the full opening of the canopy . The main canopy is automatically activated via the static line.
Once the parachute has opened you will have a canopy ride of approximately 5minutes during which time you will have to physically steer and control your own parachute safely back to earth. You will be guided down by radio commands given by an instructor who is on the ground and who will be watching you until you land.
You will eventually, after four more training jumps of pulling a dummy ripcord, jump at higher altitudes to experience longer solo free falls under the direct supervision of an instructor and, of course, pull your own ripcord at your selected opening height.
Maximum weight for a Solo Standard Freefall skydive is 135kgs.
Price includes GST, all fees and surcharges.
Click here for a solo Accelerated Freefall skydive.
Feel free to contact us for more information
Accelerated Freefall (AFF)
Your Accelerated Freefall jump will consist of two jumps which is included in the cost
- 1x Static-Line Jump (3,500ft)
- 1x AFF Jump (10,000ft)
After the completion of your static-Line jump, you will be trained by your instructor on all concepts of the Accelerated Freefall jump. Body positioning, exiting from the aircraft, practice ripcord pulls, maintaining height awareness and much more.
Your AFF jump will be from 10,000ft with two instructors holding onto you, one each side during the freefall until your canopy opens. During the freefall you will be flying your own body maintaing a stable body position, you will be constantly checking your altimeter and practice ripcord pulls. After 50 seconds of pure freefall you will pull your own ripcord at 4,000ft.
After your canopy deploys, both instructors will fly away from you and deploy their own parachutes. Once under canopy you will have approximately 5minutes to familiarise yourself with the parachute as you will be steering your own canopy back to earth with the assistance of radio guidance from the ground.
Maximum weight for an Accelerated Freefall (AFF) jump is 115kgs.
Price includes GST, all fees and surcharges.
Feel free to contact us for more information
Standard Freefall A Licence Course
The Standard Freefall A Licence course can be achieved within four good jumping days or you can take up to one year to complete your training. It just depends on you and the time you have available. Your Skydiving A Licence is internationally recognised and this will enable you to jump unassisted at Drop Zones all around the world.
Once you have your Skydiving A Licence, you are welcome to join our Club for regular fun jumping, competitions or the latest skydiving discipline of introduction to wing suit flying.
What is included in your training for a Standard Freefall A Licence?
- Packages includes 17 jumps only
- Full training and equipment provided
- Study books
- Log Book
- Insurance (2 months)
- 2 months membership to the APF (Australian Parachute Federation) – you need to be a member of the APF to jump!
- Accommodation available nearby – showers, toilets, laundry, kitchen if required
What is NOT included?
- Any repeat jumps will cost you extra
- Lost ripcords/handles
- Lost log books
- Alcohol and food not included in the price
- If you haven’t jump within 90 days, retraining fees will apply
$2,576 Backpacker Rates
$3,546 Pay as you go
Price includes GST, all fees and surcharges.
The Program – Standard Freefall A Licence Course
2 Static line jumps – Maintaining body position and canopy control
3 Static Line jumps – Practise Ripcord pull
12 Solo Freefall jumps, body control, body awareness, height awareness, canopy control
(JUMP #1) $330
(JUMP #2-16) $189 per Jump
(JUMP #17) $295
Click here for more information for an Accelerated Freefall A Licence Course
Or contact us if you have any further queries
Phone: (07) 3399 3552
Accelerated Freefall A Licence Course
An Accelerated Freefall A Licence Course can be achieved within six good jumping days or you can take up to one year to complete your training. It just depends on you and the time you have available. A Skydiving A Licence is internationally recognised and this will enable you to jump unassisted at Drop Zones all around the world.
Once you have your Skydiving A Licence, you are welcome to join our Club for regular fun jumping, competitions or the latest skydiving discipline of introduction to wing suit flying.
What is included in your Accelerated Freefall A Licence Course training?
- Packages include 17 jumps only
- Full training and equipment provided
- Study books
- Log book
- Insurance (2 months)
- 2 months membership to the APF (Australian Parachute Federation) – you need to be a member of the APF to jump!
- Accommodation available nearby – showers, toilets, laundry, kitchen if required
What is NOT included?
- Any repeat of jumps will cost you extra
- Lost ripcords/handles
- Lost log books
- Alcohol and food not included in the price
- If you haven’t jumped within 90 days, retraining fees may apply
- Damage or loss to equipment
$ 4,377 Pay in full
$4,854 Pay as you go

THE PROGRAM – Accelerated Freefall Skydiving A Licence Course
- 1 Static Line Jump – at 3,500ft
- 4 AFF Jumps – with two Instructors at 10,000ft
- 4 AFF JUMPS – with one Instructor at 10,000ft
- 1 JUMP – at 4,000ft
- 6 JUMPS – consolidation jumps done at 10,000ft
JUMP 1 $590 – Static Line jump & JUMP # 1 AFF
JUMPS 2-4 $345 Per Jump
JUMPS 5-8 $295 Per Jump
JUMP 9 $189
JUMPS 10-17 $189 Per Jump
Maximum weight 135kg
Price includes GST, all fees and surcharges
Click here if you’d prefer to do a Solo Standard Freefall A Licence Course
Or contact us for more information
Phone: (07) 3399 3552